Sunday, September 7, 2008

Okay- My First Attempt at a Tag...

Okay Ashleigh and Dena, I am only doing this because I love you guys so much, and, okay, it might be fun!! It does seem like a lot of work to keep track of when people tag you, it seems like it would be easier to have something colorful and obnoxious flash on the screen announcing "You've Been Tagged!" That would be much more user-friendly for me!! So, anyway, I am done complaining, here it goes!

Joys, Fears, Obsessions, Surprising Facts
These are the rules: list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 surprising facts and then tag 5 other people. Leave a comment for the people you tag so they know they have been tagged.

Joys....1. Being pregnant... while uncomfortable at times, nothing makes me happier than feeling a baby move around and knowing that Nate and I have created a little person we get to keep forever! 2. Nate and My kids- couldn't imagine living without them. 3. Laughing so hard I cry.

Fears....1. Having the baby be born with some unknown illness or abnormality- Nate really likes the Discovery channel, so I hear about things I never knew I should be worrying about. 2. Having something happen to my kids or Nate and having to live without one of them. 3. Not being able to loose the baby weight- okay, not very dramatic, but still something I worry about- I miss my favorite jeans!!

Obsessions...1. Spending too much time on the computer. 2. Vanilla Dr. Pepper from the gas station by my house- its amazing!! 3. Making sure my kids are making good choices and ont being overly influenced by the bad habits of those around them. I am always telling them that they need to be an example and stand up to their friends when they are doing something wrong. Carter did start chasing down our seventy year old neighbor after church today to tell him he was a liar because he told Carter yesterday that his grandson was sick and couldnt play, then about an hour later that same kid was outside playing with friends. I guess I need to explain that you don't need to point out the faults of others!

Surprising Facts...Okay this one is hard because Ashleigh and Dena, you already know everything about me, so maybe the 2 of you can pretend to be surprised while you're reading. 1. I hate seafood, can tolerate the smell most of the time, but can't eat the stuff. 2. Up until Tyson threw things off, Me, Nate and the kids were all born on days that were divisible by 7- Me- May7, Nate- August14, Brock- March21, and Carter- May14. Tyson was the 24th of April, but maybe Marleigh will follow suit. 3. I am addicted to the late night Lifetime Movies- I can't help myself!! I watch them until I can't keep my eyes open- maybe my body is just preparing for all the late nights that are to come.

Okay, that wasn't so bad... I am not going to tag anyone of this one, but anyone that wants to tag me? Bring it on!!

1 comment:

*Ashleigh* said...

OK for your information, my tag was MUCH easier. All you have to do is do what I did. All I did was list 4 random facts... Dena must have tagged you with that hideously long and complicated one! Anyway it was fun to read... Lifetime huh :)