Thursday, September 11, 2008


Here is an ultrasound pic of baby Marleigh's face- isn't she cute? I was measuring a little big at my last visit, so we had another ultrasound yesterday (Sept 10th). It's definitely a girl, and we saw a lot of long hair on the top of her head- yeah!! We are a little bit worried because the ultrasound tech only saw one kidney. I guess sometimes they can be hard to see because they can float around a little, and sometimes they are down in the pelvis and you can't see them on an ultrasound. They will take a closer look after she is born to be sure. Since ultrasound technology is relatively recent, it makes you wonder how many of us are walking around with only one kidney. I feel okay about everything and am not terribly worried. You really only need one anyway, I guess. I know she is healthy, and strong. She is already keeping me up at night with her strong kicks!


Jenny said...

Yea, how cute!! How do you post a picture of your ultrasound???? Mine is coming up on the 26th!!

*Ashleigh* said...

Awww, she is cute! Hair! Aw. I didn't know they could see hair on an ultrasound, she must have a head full!

Dena Moon said...

She even looks like she already has a bow in her hair!!