We had a Home Teacher growing up that was also a therapist (it seems like our families were always assigned Home Teachers that happened to be shrinks for a living... hmmmm? anyway...). I remember him talking to us about anchors. A song, a smell, a sound, a small thing that happens that brings back a particular memory from your past. Some of songs that I have added personal anchors to me, and the rest just make me happy! A lot of my song anchors take me back to our families kitchen during my teenage years and heart to hearts with my dad, or singing and dancing around the kitchen when it was my turn to clean up after dinner. The Peter Brienholt song reminds me of my first day of college. Hey Mickey reminds me of bathtime when I was probably 3 or 4. The Creedence Clearwater one reminds me of going to my first concert- yes, a CCR Concert with my sister, my dad, and my Uncle Ted and his wife, Diane- sightly pathetic, yes, but it was a lot of fun! And, of course, "The Night at the Roxybury " song (and anything Chris Leduex...)- reminds me of being roomates with Dena- we were quite addicted to that movie.It is amazing how our "anchors" can take us back to a time and place, and we can recall such great memories so vividly. It is one of those joys in life! I hope you all enjoy some of my anchors- it would be great to hear about some of yours, too!
I love Brother Berthold!! That's so cool because I think about that all the time- the whole anchor thing. He taught us all about that in Sunday School!! How cool...nice reminder...I think I bring up my anchors all too often though, so I'll spare you this time :) How cool though- thanks for sharing....by any chance is he still in the ward??
i like anny song from Anni becouse it reminds me of you and ashleigh
Fun, takes me back just listening to yours:)
Thats fun! Chris Ledoux reminds me of you! So does Night at the Roxbury. And snowmen heads. And strip clubs.
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